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My names Brooke and I'm a wife and mother to my gorgeous twin girls. My business venture started whilst on Maternity leave after having my girls in 2021. I know you probably think I'm crazy starting up a business whilst raising my twins. But what's life without any challenges and hurdles. Plus its a passion that I have had for sometime. The plan was once I had the girls was for me to go back to my full time job, but the thought of me missing out on their milestones and not spending quality time with them was daunting on me. I then decided that I needed to start up my own business doing something that I love and so I could also spend all my time with my babies. Instead of working a 9-5 I now work 24/7 and wouldn't have it any other way. I love creating each individual piece of the personalised items for my customers. Making their visions come to life is always the aim and I absolutely love the feedback that I get.

♡ Brooke

Sometimes you just need a little..